Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crazy Preggo Dreams and Doctor's Orders

I have always tended to remember a lot of my dreams, but being pregnant seems to have exaggerated it. Since I sleep most of the day (12 hours on average!), it seems like I am constantly in dreamland. I've had several dreams about the baby, but the strange thing is that in each one of them, the baby did not look like it should. Once it was half-cat and half-human.

Another time it grew up it be 18 years old after a couple days. Another time it was too small and I didn't know how to touch it. Weird. I guess these just indicate that having a baby is so unfamiliar to me that I don't really know what to think. What's different about most of my dreams is that they are much more complex, a lot crazier, and seem to last for hours on end. Oh, and most of them feel very very real.

I am starting to feel more pregnant as the days progress, and it feels so weird. It seems like my breasts were stolen from me and replaced with giant balloons complete with landing pads for rocket ships. They are the biggest they've ever been and are sore and tender. I went out to buy a new bra the next size up, but after wearing it for a day, I think I may need to get a bigger size still!!

I joke with my husband that we are having twins since my hunger never seems to end. And although my belly is likely swollen from constipation, I have a feeling that much of it is indeed from the pregnancy itself (after all, I haven't gained any weight). What a whirlwind that would be- to have 2 babies! Since the MS had been so bad, I wouldn't mind just getting two of them out and over with at once, lol.
My first prenatal appointment was rather boring- lots of paperwork on our family histories. Then the dreaded pap smear. Then 2 urine samples along with a ton of bloodwork. After having my blood taken, I nearly passed out, broke out into a cold sweat, stumbled into the bathroom and thought I was going to puke. Since there was only one nurse for an entire waiting room full of people, she did not see me turn white as a sheet or pratically foam at the mouth. Thankfully, Rob noticed and went to get me some food and drink immediately. I promptly went home and took a 2 hour nap.

I was dissapointed to not hear the heartbeat. My midwife said that it was too early, but I know this to be false since many other women in my due date club have got to hear theirs. I am guessing the office just didn't have the equipment. It would have been reassuring to hear it, though. Hopefully, they will try to hear it at my next appointment.

Oh, I was also prescribed some nausea meds too. The only problem with these is that they tend to make me super hungry. I don't know what the crap is up with my stomach! I'd rather be eating every hour than not eating at all, though, so there is something to be thankful for. At least I can function now!

On Friday, Rob and I are going to apply for Medicaid. We just need to get our paperwork in line, and then hopefully we will be accepted. I don't see why we wouldn't since we meet the income requirements. Anyway, it doesn't seem like it will be any fun, so I am looking forward to getting it over with.
(UPDATE: Since we've decided on either home or a freestanding birth center as the location for the birth, we are not applying for this aid anymore. Instead, we'll be saving up and paying for the birth in cash. As of now I am recieving prenatal care at a local hospital until Rob's job situation looks more clear.)

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