We were amazed to see the baby moving in real time, the tech pointing out tiny dots and identifying them as organs. "Oh, there's the stomach, here are the arteries, look at those lungs!" It was so reassuring to see that the baby had all of its limbs and is progressing quite well. The tech measured him or her right at my due date and stated the baby weighs 14 oz! I loved seeing the fingers and little hands! And it was a good thing we didn't want to find out the gender, since baby had it's legs crossed the whole time!
Rob said the ultrasound is what made everything more real for him. Since I've been feeling the baby kick for a while, it helped him connect with the baby. And now that the baby's kicks are getting stronger, he can feel the little kicks and movements for himself too!
This next month will be full of activity for our family, since we are relocating to Louisville, KY which is 1.5 hours away. The store where Rob works is closing, so he has requested to be transferred to Louisville. We have quite a few friends in that city, and there are more churches and people in ministry to network with. It's a fresh start for our growing family, and we can't wait!
We have picked out another 2 bedroom apartment, and I am looking forward to getting started on the nursery! I would love to have a Mother Goose theme, and so far we have bought a stuffed bunny and two Mother Goose books to use as inspiration for planning.
Another thing I am excited about is the new laundry room. We will finally be able to do laundry in our own apartment! This is a huge deal for us, since we've been using the facilities in our building's basement for over 2 years. It will be so convinient to be able to wash clothes without trekking everything up and down flights of stairs each time. And it will be expecially helpful since I want to try out cloth diapering part-time, too.
With the move comes a transfer of prenatal care and a more defined plan for the birth. After much research, I have decided on a hospital in Jeffersonville, IN (right across the river from Louisville)- Clark Memorial Hospital. It's a much smaller hospital and has great reviews from mothers who wanted a natural, drug-free childbirth. I will hopefully have one of the only 3 midwives in the Louisville area deliver our baby! I think it's a great compromise with our initial desire to have a home-birth. Birthing in the hospital will be a much better fit for me, and I will still get the type of care I am looking for by going with Clark. The only good thing about having individual insurance is that you aren't restricted to a specific area, so having the baby in Indiana won't be a problem at all.
As of now, I am 22 weeks pregnant and only have 6 weeks left in my 2nd trimester. The baby is only 4 months away, and my belly will soon look like I've swallowed a watermelon whole! I better get a move on in picking out everything from cribs, to carseats to strollers! :-/
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