I've been having cramps, but I think that it's my uterus stretching. Weird feeling for sure. My breasts are more achey, but so far MS has eluded me. I continue to be very tired- yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and fell right to sleep that night until 11am. They say my body is working harder than someone climbing mountains, so no wonder!
Yesterday I made my first appointment with the OB. Since it's not until Nov. 12, I get to wait in suspense until then! I will be 8 weeks by that time and will probably get an ultra-sound to see and hear the baby's heartbeat. How crazy is that?! My due date might change also based on the size of the embryo- or zygote or fetus- lol.

I bought 2 gallons of milk for the next two weeks, but I have a feeling that will not be enough. In just two days I have drank 1/2 a gallon. Our entire fridge will just have to be full of milk, haha! I am supposed to be drinking 4 glasses of milk a day, 4 glasses of water and eating 100 grams of protein. So far, I am doing ok but could definitely do better. Eating that much protein is harder than it seems!
First food aversion-- cottage cheese. BLah!
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