I am officially a THIRD of the way through this pregnancy! Wahoo! It feels so good to know that I am done, done, done with the MS of the first. Not only has my morning sickness really gone done, but I am getting my energy back too! Although, my food adversions are still with me (as I suspect they will remain for the rest of the pregnancy)- I cannot stomach the smell or look of chicken or beef. I don't even really like to think about pizza either, which used to be one of my favorite foods.
At the moment, I'm loving orange juice and orange slices, string cheese and decaf coffee. Just can't seem to get enough of 'em!
This week, the baby starts to hear!
We have decided NOT to find out the gender. :-)
And we're decided on either a home-birth or freestanding birth center for the big day. (More info on this later).
And the biggest news of all- Rob had an interview with a church in Illinios yesterday evening. He thinks it went well, but we won't know until the end of the month if they still want to consider him. We are personally holding out for this church, but know that God will put us where we're meant to be. Today is a great day for both us for another reason too, because Rob is officially DONE with college! Life is really starting to look up!
UPDATE- Rob made it to the final round of interviews, but was not selected for this position. We are still looking and praying while he continues to send out resumes to hiring churches. Church hiring procedures are typically much longer and more drawn out than traditional jobs since there is much prayer and deliberation that takes place between different teams within the church. Big thanks to all of you who are currently praying and supporting us during this time, as it can be very stressful and take a while.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Starting to show!
11 week belly shot:

I am officially in maternity pants now! You can only stand buttoned jeans for so long, and then you start to feel frumpy in sweats all the time. So, hubby and I went out to the Gap outlet and bought a buttload of clothes for dirt cheap. Getting dressed is finally fun again now that I have cute things to fit into!
My little 'baby bump' isn't that noticeable, but I can definately tell a difference and Rob says that he can too. I still haven't gained any weight that I know of, and as I'm picking at my food and having difficulty getting food down that doesn't make me want to gag I don't think its likely that I will be tipping the scales much during this pregnancy. Of course, that could change down the road!
We are still deciding whether or not to find out the gender. I'm torn between wanting desperately to know and wanting it to be a surprise.
I am going to try and post weekly belly pics from now on to guage my progress and share with those who can't see my expanding waistline.
Only one more week until I'm officially in my second trimester!! Wooohooo! And it just so happens to be on the same day when Rob finishes his bachelor's degree. :-) Things are looking up!
baby belly pics,
maternity clothes
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Heard the Heartbeat!!

We had our monthly appointment on Tuesday with a new milestone- we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! I was so excited, I cried. It is still so strange to think that another little being is ticking away inside of me yet apart from me. Rob said that it really made his day to here our little olive (who no longer is the size of an olive!) :-) . He or she is going strong at around 160 bpm.
My stomach is finally starting to protest when I get dressed in the morning, and I think that this weekend I will need to go get some maternity clothes. At least a new pair of pants and a new bra (the latter of which I already outgrew since buying one 2 weeks ago!). It's exciting yet depressing at the same time, because I'm not used to seeing my body this way. I feel like I don't look good in anything anymore! So I think buying new clothes to restore my confidence is definately in order.
I only gained 1.5 pounds since the last appointment, and that was before I went to the bathroom, so in reality I don't think I really gained anything yet at all (think constipation- the ailment of all pregnant women). It is going to be so weird when I start gaining one pound a week from here on out. I will be tipping the scales like never before!
Since my morning sickness has let up (but not disappeared), I've been able to start exercising again and eating more nutritous foods. One thing that I am working on is eating meat every day- this is a challenge considering I am practically a vegetarian. And one of my cravings lately has been salad- of all things to crave! So, the meat section and I are going to become much closer friends in the coming weeks.
Only 2 more weeks until I am officially in the second trimester- woooohoooo! Can we say Hallelujah? Sorry, but first trimester, I am not going to miss you at all! :-)
heart beat,
maternity clothes,
prenatal care
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Crazy Preggo Dreams and Doctor's Orders
I have always tended to remember a lot of my dreams, but being pregnant seems to have exaggerated it. Since I sleep most of the day (12 hours on average!), it seems like I am constantly in dreamland. I've had several dreams about the baby, but the strange thing is that in each one of them, the baby did not look like it should. Once it was half-cat and half-human.

Another time it grew up it be 18 years old after a couple days. Another time it was too small and I didn't know how to touch it. Weird. I guess these just indicate that having a baby is so unfamiliar to me that I don't really know what to think. What's different about most of my dreams is that they are much more complex, a lot crazier, and seem to last for hours on end. Oh, and most of them feel very very real.
I am starting to feel more pregnant as the days progress, and it feels so weird. It seems like my breasts were stolen from me and replaced with giant balloons complete with landing pads for rocket ships. They are the biggest they've ever been and are sore and tender. I went out to buy a new bra the next size up, but after wearing it for a day, I think I may need to get a bigger size still!!
I joke with my husband that we are having twins since my hunger never seems to end. And although my belly is likely swollen from constipation, I have a feeling that much of it is indeed from the pregnancy itself (after all, I haven't gained any weight). What a whirlwind that would be- to have 2 babies! Since the MS had been so bad, I wouldn't mind just getting two of them out and over with at once, lol.
My first prenatal appointment was rather boring- lots of paperwork on our family histories. Then the dreaded pap smear. Then 2 urine samples along with a ton of bloodwork. After having my blood taken, I nearly passed out, broke out into a cold sweat, stumbled into the bathroom and thought I was going to puke. Since there was only one nurse for an entire waiting room full of people, she did not see me turn white as a sheet or pratically foam at the mouth. Thankfully, Rob noticed and went to get me some food and drink immediately. I promptly went home and took a 2 hour nap.

Another time it grew up it be 18 years old after a couple days. Another time it was too small and I didn't know how to touch it. Weird. I guess these just indicate that having a baby is so unfamiliar to me that I don't really know what to think. What's different about most of my dreams is that they are much more complex, a lot crazier, and seem to last for hours on end. Oh, and most of them feel very very real.
I am starting to feel more pregnant as the days progress, and it feels so weird. It seems like my breasts were stolen from me and replaced with giant balloons complete with landing pads for rocket ships. They are the biggest they've ever been and are sore and tender. I went out to buy a new bra the next size up, but after wearing it for a day, I think I may need to get a bigger size still!!
I joke with my husband that we are having twins since my hunger never seems to end. And although my belly is likely swollen from constipation, I have a feeling that much of it is indeed from the pregnancy itself (after all, I haven't gained any weight). What a whirlwind that would be- to have 2 babies! Since the MS had been so bad, I wouldn't mind just getting two of them out and over with at once, lol.

I was dissapointed to not hear the heartbeat. My midwife said that it was too early, but I know this to be false since many other women in my due date club have got to hear theirs. I am guessing the office just didn't have the equipment. It would have been reassuring to hear it, though. Hopefully, they will try to hear it at my next appointment.
Oh, I was also prescribed some nausea meds too. The only problem with these is that they tend to make me super hungry. I don't know what the crap is up with my stomach! I'd rather be eating every hour than not eating at all, though, so there is something to be thankful for. At least I can function now!
On Friday, Rob and I are going to apply for Medicaid. We just need to get our paperwork in line, and then hopefully we will be accepted. I don't see why we wouldn't since we meet the income requirements. Anyway, it doesn't seem like it will be any fun, so I am looking forward to getting it over with.
(UPDATE: Since we've decided on either home or a freestanding birth center as the location for the birth, we are not applying for this aid anymore. Instead, we'll be saving up and paying for the birth in cash. As of now I am recieving prenatal care at a local hospital until Rob's job situation looks more clear.)
morning sickness,
prenatal care
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Appointment in 2 days
My 8 week appointment is on Thursday, and I am so nervous! I thought I would be more excited than anything, but mostly I am just afraid of something going wrong such as not finding the heartbeat or something like that. I know I am probably over worrying, but it does cross my mind! I am really curious as to what to expect, since many doctors do first appointments differently.
I am anxious and nervous about getting the flu shots too. The HINI vaccine is only available to pregnant women and high risk ppl in my area right now, so I basically have to wait until my appointment for "confirmation" that I am pregnant so that I can get the shot. A young man in northern KY recently died a week after getting the swine flu and that has scared me since my immune system is supposedly 'down'. Getting pregnant during flu season is nerve-wracking! Every time I am out in public I am aware of the possible germs circulating through the air. I know I am probably being a bit OCD about it, but when you are at home most of the day, you notice it/ think about it more. Mostly I am worried about the possible side effects from taking the vaccine. I have not had a vaccine of any kind since high school. I HATE shots. It gives me shivers just thinking about it...
Morning sickness has not let up, and I think I am going to ask my doctor on Thursday if there are any meds I can take for it. It seems to be getting worse, and I have already LOST 5 pounds. I thought when you got pregnant you were supposed to GAIN weight?! Needless to say, this can't be good, so I want to see if there is something that will at least make food somewhat appealing to me again. I have been living off of toast, mashed potatoes, cereal and crackers. It's really hard to eat that everyday and every two hours!
Other new symptoms I've been having include dizziness, getting up to pee during the night and breast tenderness.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Let the vomiting begin
The past four or five days, my nausea has been increasing. I now officially have full-blown morning sickness and am vomiting as well. Unlike some lucky ladies who get sick in the morning and are free and clear for the rest of the day, my MS sticks with me throughout the entire day. I would rather be in labor! My trashcan follows me where-ever I am, be in the car at the grocery store parking lot or in the kitchen while I attempt to stuff some type of edible substance in my empty stomach. The worst part is the dry-heaving. It really takes it out of you when you do it 25 plus times a day.
My favorite part of the day is, therefore, when I am asleep. Because you can't vomit when you're asleep! If only I could sleep through to the 2nd trimester.
Let's pray I don't need medical assistance for this MS later on, though it's certainly pointing that way.
My favorite part of the day is, therefore, when I am asleep. Because you can't vomit when you're asleep! If only I could sleep through to the 2nd trimester.
Let's pray I don't need medical assistance for this MS later on, though it's certainly pointing that way.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Almost 6 weeks...

A couple days ago, my morning sickness arrived. Although I have yet to succumb to the porcelain throne, the nausea has been keeping me confined to the closest trash-can just in case. The fatigue has not let up, so this has resulted in me feeling pretty crappy. Sprite and saltines are my best friend! I feel pretty bad about it though, because I know I am not feeding my body like it needs to be. I can barely stomach most foods, so there goes my protein for the day. At least I am getting some nutrients from my prenatal vitamin and fish oil.
As a result of feeling so poorly, we've been eating out quite a bit. A lot of times I don't have the energy nor the appetite to fix food. This is really going to take some adjustment to my menu plans. We're going to have to buy more convenience foods, at least for the remainder of the first trimester. It's either that or running out for pizza and fast food every other night.
I've also had cramps, which has worried me a little bit since they are kinda strong and I've never felt anything like it before. It's probably just my uterus stretching? We'll see- my first appointment with the OB is November 12th.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Maternity Coverage Lies
Yesterday I was on the phone with our insurance company. I was very upset, because I learned they really won't be covering anything since I became pregnant within the first yr of it. And this is supposed to be maternity coverage?! After browsing online forums I quickly learned that the first prenatal visit alone can total anywhere from $200 to $2000. Wow. I am definitely going to be shopping around now that we have to pay pretty much all of it OOP. Hopefully, Rob will get a job at a church in time, and we will be covered under his group insurance (since group insurance can't treat pregnancy as a pre-existing condition). If not, we will probably qualify for medicaid.
Either way, I am still upset, because we have paid over $400 so far in just the maternity coverage part of our insurance. FOR NOTHING! That's $400 that could have been saved for doctor visits. I guess it just goes to show that insurance companies really are jacked up. When people comment that having a lot of kids are expensive, they are probably referring to the fact that each one cost around $10,000 just to pop out. I have heard stories of women who made too much money to qualify for medicaid but didn't have insurance or were under-insured like me, and they now have thousands upon thousands of dollars in medical debt just for being a woman. Because, people, the woman's body is meant to have babies, and that, apparently, is something we must try and combat with all our medical technology. When did having a baby, such a natural event that has been happening for thousands of years, become a disease that needs to be cured? When the hospitals realized they could profit from it, that's when.
Training for a normal birth:

I just don't believe that you should have to pay someone $5,000 to say "push" and cut an umbilical cord.
Yes, I think that the advancements in medical technology have helped save the lives of many women and babies, but the MAJORITY of pregnancies and labor have no complications.
Practically all babies are born in hospitals in the United States, the most in the developed world. Yet, our babies are not healthier for it- the infant mortality rate is ON THE RISE in the USA. 50% of all women have C-sections. C-sections are THE MOST COMMONLY performed procedure in hospitals today. Some hospitals are now forbidding mothers from giving birth vaginally if they have had a previous C-section.
The birthing system is messed up.
Either way, I am still upset, because we have paid over $400 so far in just the maternity coverage part of our insurance. FOR NOTHING! That's $400 that could have been saved for doctor visits. I guess it just goes to show that insurance companies really are jacked up. When people comment that having a lot of kids are expensive, they are probably referring to the fact that each one cost around $10,000 just to pop out. I have heard stories of women who made too much money to qualify for medicaid but didn't have insurance or were under-insured like me, and they now have thousands upon thousands of dollars in medical debt just for being a woman. Because, people, the woman's body is meant to have babies, and that, apparently, is something we must try and combat with all our medical technology. When did having a baby, such a natural event that has been happening for thousands of years, become a disease that needs to be cured? When the hospitals realized they could profit from it, that's when.
Training for a normal birth:

I just don't believe that you should have to pay someone $5,000 to say "push" and cut an umbilical cord.
Yes, I think that the advancements in medical technology have helped save the lives of many women and babies, but the MAJORITY of pregnancies and labor have no complications.
Practically all babies are born in hospitals in the United States, the most in the developed world. Yet, our babies are not healthier for it- the infant mortality rate is ON THE RISE in the USA. 50% of all women have C-sections. C-sections are THE MOST COMMONLY performed procedure in hospitals today. Some hospitals are now forbidding mothers from giving birth vaginally if they have had a previous C-section.
The birthing system is messed up.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Moody with Milk
One thing I've noticed about my moods is that they are extreme. When I get happy, I scream. When I get sad, I start to cry uncontrollably! The cats are way too cute and TV shows are way too emotional for me. For example, I literally started bawling when I watched a Biggest Loser contestant see his family for the first time in 6 weeks. It wasn't even meant to be that emotional. Gee wiz!
I've been having cramps, but I think that it's my uterus stretching. Weird feeling for sure. My breasts are more achey, but so far MS has eluded me. I continue to be very tired- yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and fell right to sleep that night until 11am. They say my body is working harder than someone climbing mountains, so no wonder!
Yesterday I made my first appointment with the OB. Since it's not until Nov. 12, I get to wait in suspense until then! I will be 8 weeks by that time and will probably get an ultra-sound to see and hear the baby's heartbeat. How crazy is that?! My due date might change also based on the size of the embryo- or zygote or fetus- lol.

I bought 2 gallons of milk for the next two weeks, but I have a feeling that will not be enough. In just two days I have drank 1/2 a gallon. Our entire fridge will just have to be full of milk, haha! I am supposed to be drinking 4 glasses of milk a day, 4 glasses of water and eating 100 grams of protein. So far, I am doing ok but could definitely do better. Eating that much protein is harder than it seems!
First food aversion-- cottage cheese. BLah!
I've been having cramps, but I think that it's my uterus stretching. Weird feeling for sure. My breasts are more achey, but so far MS has eluded me. I continue to be very tired- yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and fell right to sleep that night until 11am. They say my body is working harder than someone climbing mountains, so no wonder!
Yesterday I made my first appointment with the OB. Since it's not until Nov. 12, I get to wait in suspense until then! I will be 8 weeks by that time and will probably get an ultra-sound to see and hear the baby's heartbeat. How crazy is that?! My due date might change also based on the size of the embryo- or zygote or fetus- lol.

I bought 2 gallons of milk for the next two weeks, but I have a feeling that will not be enough. In just two days I have drank 1/2 a gallon. Our entire fridge will just have to be full of milk, haha! I am supposed to be drinking 4 glasses of milk a day, 4 glasses of water and eating 100 grams of protein. So far, I am doing ok but could definitely do better. Eating that much protein is harder than it seems!
First food aversion-- cottage cheese. BLah!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
4 Weeks, 5 Days

After the initial shock at the thought of being pregnant and expanding, I began to get excited. Too excited to hold it all in, so naturally I began telling the world! At only just over 4 weeks, I am feeling pretty good still. My biggest symptom is feeling tired- WAY TIRED. Like, getting 9 hours of sleep and then a nap just to keep going. I also am constipated and have light headaches from time to time. The bathroom is certainly seeing more of me as I seem to pee every half hour. And of course, I am hungrier.
My mother already bought me

The second test on the left was taken on October 19th. Yes- I snuck into the bathroom and tested again- just wanted to make sure baby was still in there and getting stronger!
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